Calculation of insulation of pipes and ducts – Online calculator
Use the buttons above to choose between the following calculation types:
- Heat loss in pipes
- Heat loss in round air ducts
- Insulation class according to DS 452 3rd edition.
- Load-bearing capacity of pipe supports
Our online calculation tool makes it easy to calculate the required insulation thickness for pipelines according to DS/EN ISO 12240:2008 to achieve insulation class according to DS 452. Calculate heat loss in pipes and round air ducts as well as load-bearing capacity of pipe supports.
By entering relevant parameters such as pipe diameter, operating temperature, desired insulation class and ambient temperature, you can quickly get an accurate calculation of the necessary insulation to ensure optimal energy efficiency.
The calculator helps you choose the right Dan-iso product and ensures that your installations comply with the necessary standards and requirements.
Use the calculation tool to optimize your pipe installations and ensure that you meet applicable regulations and standards.
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Insulating & Saving Energy