General terms and conditions of sale and delivery for Dan-iso A/S
1. USE
The following sales and delivery conditions apply between the parties to the extent that they are not deviated from by a written agreement.
Unless otherwise stated, offers made by DAN-ISO are valid for 14 days from the date of the offer.
Every order must be confirmed by DAN-ISO in order for a binding agreement on deliveries to be considered concluded. Confirmations can be made by e-mail, fax or a written order confirmation.
The order is delivered at the confirmed price subject to price increases as a result of changes in trading conditions, public taxes, exchange rates, raw material supplies and the like, which are beyond DAN-ISO's control.
Cancellation of orders is only accepted by agreement and only against payment of DAN-ISO's losses, including loss of profit.
Image material, dimension sketches and other content in prospectuses, production descriptions, catalogues, circulars etc. are approximate and non-binding.
When executing the order, DAN-ISO reserves the right to make any changes deemed technically necessary.
The order will be manufactured and delivered according to Danish standards and regulations, unless otherwise agreed and expressly mentioned in the order confirmation.
No agent, dealer or distributor is authorized to make changes or attributions to any order confirmation or contract, and DAN-ISO assumes no responsibility for this, unless written permission is obtained from DAN-ISO.
Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the deliveries are sold ex factory (EXW) cf. Incoterms®2020.
In case of payment later than the agreed payment date, interest is calculated at 1.5% per commenced month, which is attributed to the amount due at the beginning of each month.
The delivered goods remain DAN-ISO's property until the full purchase price with all surcharges and interest has been paid.
The buyer is obliged to insure the order for a total new value from the day of delivery until full payment has taken place.
If the delivery turns out to be defective, the buyer is obliged to complain about this within 8 days.
If a complaint is omitted or the buyer complains too late, the buyer loses the right to assert the defect.
DAN-ISO is entitled to remedy deficiencies if this can be done within a reasonable time.
For product liability, DAN-ISO is responsible in accordance with the provisions of the Product Liability Act, which cannot be waived by agreement.
DAN-ISO disclaims responsibility for product liability on any other basis.
The amount of product liability cannot exceed the coverage on DAN-ISO's product liability insurance.
The buyer is obliged to notify DAN-ISO in writing without undue delay if product liability damage has occurred or there is a risk that such damage will occur.
To the extent that DAN-ISO may be held liable towards a third party, the buyer is obliged to indemnify DAN-ISO to the same extent that DAN-ISO's liability is limited in accordance with this clause.
Any disagreement or dispute between the parties regarding the understanding or scope of these sales and delivery conditions must be settled in Denmark by the ordinary courts or Danish law.
Venue is Aalborg. The choice of law is Danish, and the legal language is Danish.
The buyer is obliged to be sued by the court that deals with compensation claims brought by third parties against DAN-ISO regarding product liability.
Haubro on 25 November 2022